Bond Dollars at Work

The CISD Community Based Financial Integrity/Bonding Committee, was established during the 2017-2018 school year.  The committee is comprised of all stakeholders to include; CISD Administrators, Board members, City of Celina officials, community/business owners, clergy, parents, students, and teachers. The first meeting was held on March 28, 2018, which discussed the CISD Strategic Plan, Taxparency, 10-year Facility Plan, and the possibility of future bonding.  Agendas for all meetings can be found here, click to view. A document with the Bond Steering Committee members can also be found below.

The purpose of the Bond Steering Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to guide the Celina School Board of Trustees in order to assess and prioritize capital improvement projects for a possible Bond Election in the Spring of 2019. The committee is also charged to study key information regarding proposed projects and to ultimately determine consensus in which to bring a recommendation before the Celina School Board during the December 17th, 2019 meeting.

The recommendation must be in line with:

I. The District’s Mission

II. Health & Safety of students and staff

III. In the best interest of the children we serve

IV. Consistent with the District’s Strategic Plan

V. Wise and sustainable investment