Celina ISD Board of Trustees Goals
Goal 1:
CISD will be an influential contributor to community organizations including, but not limited to the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Celina, the Celina Rotary Club, and Celina Local.
Metric: The CISD Team routinely attends, speaks, and contributes to local organizations to communicate the work being done in CISD and the positive influence the district has on the community.
Goal 2:
CISD will increase the percentage of students involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities at all school levels.
Metric: The percentage of students involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities will increase each semester to include local, state, and national organizations and competitions.
Goal 3:
CISD will develop a leadership pipeline that focuses on building the leadership capacity of teachers, staff, and administrators.
Metric: Teachers, staff, and administrators will be engaged to develop (2023-2024) a leadership pipeline that builds the leadership capacity of employees throughout the district (beginning 2024-2025).
Goal 4:
CISD will develop new CTE pathways aligned with student needs and interests.
Metric: CISD will study (2023-2024), plan (2024-2025) and implement (2025-2026) new CTE pathways that allow students to receive workforce certificates aligned with workforce needs and student interests. Implementing new CTE pathways will depend on available space, equipment, and finances.
Goal 5:
CISD will incrementally improve the recruitment and retention rate of all staff.
Metric: Through the implementation of a variety of strategies, the retention rate of all staff will improve from year to year.