Student Services
David Wilson
Attendance & Truancy
Celina ISD is dedicated to helping your child achieve academic success. In order to maximize your child's academic opportunities, it is critical that they be in attendance at school every day. Celina ISD understands there are times when your child will be absent. Below you will find a quick overview of the CISD School Attendance Policies, but it is highly recommended that parents review the Student Handbook to become familiar with the Attendance Policy.
Attendance At-a-Glance
Parents should notify the school the morning their child will be absent. All absence notifications and notes will be submitted elctronically. Parents will notify the campus of a student's absence through Skyward Family Access, this will replace calling or emailing the campus attendance clerk to notify the school of the student's absence. Additionally, this electronic documentation satisfies the signed parent note requirement (state required documentation). When an absence request is submitted through Skyward Family Access, the attendance clerk/registrar will be notified by email. Please go to your child's campus page and choose 'Attendance' under the parents tab to submit an absence.
When a student returns from an absence at a doctor's office, a signed doctor's note displaying the date on which the student was seen in the office must be sent to the school attendance email within 2 days of the absence. The parent indication that the student was at the doctor will not qualify as a doctor's note. Please click on your child's campus on the right to submit a doctor's note by emailing the campus attendance email address.
Parents will be allowed to electronically submit (through Skyward Family Access) an Absence Request. A total of five (5) Skyward Absence Request can be excused as a parent note. Once this maximum has been met, absences will be considered unexcused. A list of acceptable absences (those that will be excused) are listed in the Student Handbook (page 25).
If a student is absent for more than 5 consecutive days due to illness, a parent note will not be accepted. A statement from a doctor or medical clinic explaining the reason for the absence must be submitted to the school attendance email upon their return to school.
If your child leaves during the day for a doctor or dentist appointment, a doctor's note must be submitted electronically to the school attendance email on the same day or the next morning in order for the absence(s) to be considered "medical".
What happens if my child has unexcused absences? After 3 absences, you will receive communication through Skyward and the campus attendance administrator will schedule a conference with the student. At 5 absences, the campus attendance administrator will schedule a meeting with the student and parent/guardian to develop a SA-BIP (Student Attendance- Behavior Intervention Plan). After the 7th absence, you and your child will receive a summons to the Tribunal Truancy Prevention Measure. In the event your child reaches his/her 10th absence, he/she will be referred to Collin County Truancy Court. The campus attendance administrator (assistant principal) will communicate with the parent/guardian and student throughout the process and will provide intervention opportunities for school and home. Please contact your campus attendance administrator for more information.