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Severe Allergies


Food and Other Severe Allergies

Celina ISD requests to be notified when a student has been diagnosed with a food or other life-threatening allergy. Please complete the annual Student Health Information portion of online enrollment to report your child's allergies. If your current student's health changes or to report a new allergy, please contact your child's school nurse directly.

Required Forms

The following forms are required to be signed by you and your child's physician. These must be completed at the beginning of each school year in order for the school nurse to provide specific training to teachers and staff that specifically interact with your child.

Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan

All students with known severe allergies should complete this form.

If your child will need emergency medication at school please complete:

  • A Medication Administration Form for the a prescribed epinephrine auto injector

  • A Medication Administration Form for the prescribed antihistamine (Benadryl)

  • A Medication Administration Form for the prescribed inhaler, if applicable

Medication Administration Form

If your child has a severe food allergy that requires a food substitution in the school cafeteria, please fill out the Severe Food Allergy Request Form and return to your campus nurse. A physician signature will be required to accommodate these substitutions.

Severe Food Allergy Request FormGuidelines for the Care of Students At-Risk for Anaphylaxis

In accordance with Education Code 38.0151, Celina ISD has developed and implemented a food allergy management plan. This plan was developed after Texas Department of State Health Service's Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis.

Celina ISD's Food and Severe Allergy Management Plan