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Pre-K Enrollment

Pre-K students must first qualify for the Pre-K program before enrolling. 

Click here to view the Pre-K Parent Enrollment Information Slideshow

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Pre-K Enrollment

Pre-K Registration is a THREE-STEP process. Most of the Pre-K registration process can be completed electronically. Students who may qualify due to a limited ability to speak or comprehend English will be administered a language assessment. This assessment must be done in-person.

Step One

The ONLY WAY to qualify for the Pre-K program is for your child to meet the following criteria:

  • Your child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2024 AND

  • Your child lives in Celina ISD AND

  • Your child meets ONE of the following:

  1. The child is Limited English Proficient. This means that your child must speak another language other than English and NOT be proficient in English to qualify for the Pre-K program.

  2. The child’s family meets the federal income guidelines for the National School Lunch Program.

  3. The child is homeless.

  4. The student is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces.

  5. The student is the child of a parent who was killed or injured while serving in active duty.

  6. The child is currently or was previously in foster care.

  7. The student is the child of a peace officer, a firefighter, or an emergency medical first responder who is eligible for the Star of Texas Award.

  8. Attended a Public Texas Pre-K as a 3 year old last year (2023-2024)

The first step in our registration process is completing the Pre-K Questionnaire.

Click here to Complete step one of the Pre-K enrollment process (2024-25)

Click here to Complete step one of the Pre-K enrollment process for (2025-26)  This form will Open March 10, 2025

Step Two

During STEP TWO in the process, the information provided in the parent questionnaire will be reviewed to determine eligibility for the Pre-K program. We may require you to provide additional documentation or schedule a time to bring your child in for language testing. Once it is determined that your child meets at least one of the Pre-K eligibility criteria, you will be notified via email with approval to move to step three in the enrollment process.

Step Three

Once you have received an approval email that your child qualifies for Pre-K, you will be instructed to complete your registration in Skyward. 

Emails will be sent out beginning April 2024 and throughout the following months. Thank you for your patience during this time as we process hundreds of families.

Every child who qualifies will be provided a spot and the District requests that you refrain from status inquiries.  Please Note: Some district emails go to Junk or Clutter, so please be checking those during this process.